
Brenna The Angel

Angels We Have Heard on High

I have not really shared this before. I remember the Christmas before Brenna was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She was 8 years old and was participating in the ward christmas party. She and some of the girls in her primary class were dressed in white as angels and sang "Angels We Have Heard on High" to celebrate the birth of the Savior. Brenna was really never known for her singing, but durring this performace she truly sounded angelic. As I listened, I had a strong feeling that Brenna truly sang at the actual birth of the Savior and that the same angels that sang with her, were helping her at this Christmas performance. And perhaps they strengthened her and prepared her for what she would endure the next 4 years. I really miss my Brenna, but I know she is always with us and watching over us. I know we will be with her again.

Brenna The Angel